Bouquet or bunch with mixed seasonal flowers, extra size

Bouquet or bunch with mixed seasonal flowers, extra size


Extra size bouquet or bunch of mixed seasonal flowers.

This bouquet is made up of mixed seasonal flowers sourced from local growers, grown outdoors, and respecting the seasons. Its composition may vary based on the daily availability of our suppliers.

Available in different colours.

* The image represents our creative style and does not imply a warranty regarding product features. Various flower characteristics prevent precise photographic representation, resulting in unique and original products.

Dear Customer, we inform you that the delivery service is included in the price and is active only in the metropolitan area of Milan.

As soon as the order confirmation has been sent, the product will be delivered to the address indicated by the user at the time of the order, within an estimated time of half a working day from the moment in which the order is concluded or on the day chosen.

Orders completed by 13:00 can be delivered starting from the afternoon of the same day (unless otherwise indicated at check-out).

Orders completed after 13:00 can be delivered starting the following day.

Orders completed after 13:00 on Saturday can be delivered starting the following Monday.

The Fiori store has the following opening hours: Monday to Saturday from 9:30 to 19:00.

Deliveries are made in the following time slots: from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 15:30 to 18:30, only on days in which the store is open.


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